Assay Lifecycle Management

Keep innovating at the rapid pace of molecular diagnostics technology with a LIMS purpose-built to support—and track—its inevitable evolution.  

Most LIMS are designed with a rigid structure that lacks the flexibility to support ongoing and rapid changes to laboratory processes.

The result: slowed innovation and unclear sample histories.

Labbit provides a flexible LIMS solution that empowers you to continuously and seamlessly deploy new assay versions, time stamping every iteration to ensure downstream investigations are quick and informative.

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Quickly get the latest versions of assays online

Easily manage assay life cycles and get recent iterations up and running fast with Labbit’s simplified BPMN approach to workflow editing.  

Automatically migrate samples to new assay versions

Ensure every sample—even those already in the queue—undergoes the latest iteration of a test. Labbit instantly applies process changes without any tedious, error-prone manual work. 


Track every change to an assay across its life cycle

Always have the full and complete circumstance of a sample’s journey through the lab with detailed provenance that records which test iteration it underwent.  

Ready to see it in action?