Flexible LIMS Software For Biotechnology R&D Labs

Use a modern informatics system that flexibly supports innovative research

Most LIMS are monolithically rigid in their structure and require a huge effort to customize and adapt them to support novel, emergent biotechnology.
Labbit's laboratory informatics system was designed to flexibly support the unique workflows, rapid test iteration, process evolution, and changing requirements that are characteristic of research and development laboratories both today and in the future.

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“Labbit is engineered with an all-inclusive approach, which enables IT, data science, and laboratory technical teams to experience unprecedented flexibility without compromising the simplicity, accessibility, and control essential for laboratory end-users. It empowered us to transcend the traditional trade-offs between advanced features the commercial side of the business wants and the user experience that our laboratorians require.”


Ronak Kadakia
COO, LinusBio


“We were looking for a single system that could meet the needs of both our research and our clinical laboratories. Most systems were either too rigid for the research setting or too loosely structured for the clinical setting. Labbit’s flexibility allows us to add as much or as little rigor to workflows as required. We can give researchers freedom to iterate while locking things down on the clinical side. All with one system.”

Read their story


Lauren Moon
Clinical Laboratory Manager, Eremid

“That’s what stood out when evaluating Labbit. That this LIMS could finally achieve all of our needs within one solution. To be able to not only manage the workflow, but the operational side of things as well.”

Read their story


Tyler Cassens
Senior Product Manager, Helix



Implement workflows that entirely support your unique research requirements

Your science has distinct elements and language. Use a system that lets you build out workflows and procedures that exactly reflect its nuance to reduce confusion and ensure capture of all relevant information. 

  • Custom workflows: Easily build out workflows exactly how you imagined them using BPMN technology that mimics sketching out processes on a whiteboard.
  • Entities: Manage any element of your lab, by whatever identification makes sense. Labbit’s configurable entities can represent anything you need to track—samples, specimens, biobank material, reagents, even the laboratory assay itself.
  • Configurable workbooks: Create an intuitive and focused experience for technicians that reflects your language, and allows them to freely iterate tests and add notes to provide context. 

Rapidly iterate assays and test different variables without limitations

Allow your science to freely evolve. Make rapid changes to workflows while preserving historical data in immutable records so you always know which version of an assay a sample went through during analysis and reproducibility testing.

  • Knowledge graph database technology: Define your informatics data models as you test variations with a system that allows data fields and relationships to be added dynamically and without constraint.
  • ChangeSets: Quickly deploy processes changes in a simple UI.
  • Version control: Feel confident that assay changes are recorded in time-stamped, immutable sample histories.

Quickly extract insights from huge volumes of laboratory data

Effortlessly query immense datasets that contain the complete history of every sample’s journey through the lab and analyze it in your downstream BI, AI, or ML system of choice to rapidly uncover new findings.

  • Rich metadata capture: Record as much detail from end-to-end laboratory workflows as you need.
  • Fast, accurate querying: Save time with lightning fast search results delivered by non-relational database technology.
  • Inherently FAIR data: Seamlessly move datasets into any dry lab analysis tool without any ETL processes


Ensure your laboratory can evolve and grow without friction

As you solidify the understanding of your research and move toward more clinical applications of your science, Labbit can be easily adapted to add the process guardrails required to ensure SOP adherence and achieve compliance under various governing bodies like FDA, and CAP/CLIA. Its cloud-based system was designed for scale, allowing you to easily ramp up sample volumes at any time.


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