Streamline water and environmental testing workflows 


Use Labbit’s flexible laboratory informatics platform to efficiently manage all of your lab’s end-to-end environmental and water testing workflows in one place for greater efficiency and accuracy.


Environmental testing laboratories assess air, water, soil, and biological samples for anything considered to be detrimental to the health of humans or the ecosystem. They run a range of tests to measure the presence of various contaminants and pollutants including heavy metals, toxic chemicals like volatile organic compounds and pesticides, asbestos, stack emissions, and more. 


Streamline environmental testing and guard against errors

Easily configure Labbit LIMS around your environmental testing lab’s unique requirements. Labbit's off-the-shelf workflow modules are easily adapted to the specific testing requirements of different environmental sample types—water, air, soil—and different contaminants and pollutants. Build workbooks that outline SOPs in familiar terminology to increase clarity and improve turnaround times and results accuracy.

Easily achieve and maintain regulatory compliance

Effortlessly demonstrate compliance with regulatory standards like ISO 17025, NELAP, ELAP and others. Labbit facilitates the process of reporting to regulatory authorities with its ability to enforce strict operating procedures and produce detailed, immutable audit trails.


Automate inventory and instrument management

Manage things that are vital to the continuous operation of your water and environmental testing lab. Track stock depletion levels, instrument calibration schedules–and more–all directly within Labbit. Its entity-centric system can be configured to automatically deplete consumables when used in tests and alert users to reorder when levels are low. It can also monitor for expiring reagents or instruments that require calibration, all to ensure continuous, high-quality operation of the lab.  


Fast Implementation

Rather than lengthy cycles of custom coding, Labbit employs highly visual business process model and notation (BPMN) to quickly configure workflows to your exact needs in a fraction of the time.

All-In-One Software

Labbit's flexible, entity-centric system can handle end-to-end laboratory processes beyond sample tracking including order management, inventory management, and storage management.


Labbit's cloud-based system is designed to handle increasing sample volumes and can scale to meet the growing needs of any size laboratory as their requirements expand over time.

“Labbit is engineered with an all-inclusive approach, which enables IT, data science, and laboratory technical teams to experience unprecedented flexibility without compromising the simplicity, accessibility, and control essential for laboratory end-users. It empowered us to transcend the traditional trade-offs between advanced features the commercial side of the business wants and the user experience that our laboratorians require.”


Ronak Kadakia
COO, LinusBio


“We were looking for a single system that could meet the needs of both our research and our clinical laboratories. Most systems were either too rigid for the research setting or too loosely structured for the clinical setting. Labbit’s flexibility allows us to add as much or as little rigor to workflows as required. We can give researchers freedom to iterate while locking things down on the clinical side. All with one system.”


Lauren Moon
Clinical Laboratory Manager, Eremid


“That’s what stood out when evaluating Labbit. That this LIMS could finally achieve all of our needs within one solution. To be able to not only manage the workflow, but the operational side of things as well.”


Tyler Cassens
Senior Product Manager, Helix


Book a free workflow configuration session with a LIMS expert*

The best way to understand why Labbit is the better way to manage your lab is to see how it would work in your lab!

What you'll get:

  • A consultation where we'll work to understand your lab's specific requirements
  • A collaborative workflow design session using business process model and notation
  • A live demo of how Labbit would work in your laboratory environment

*Subject to qualification criteria