Deliver seamless client experiences

Digitize everything from requisition to reporting with Labbit's integrated client-facing portal. 

Watch the video to see how it works.


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Easy, error-free ordering and accessioning

87% of laboratory mistakes occur prior to analysis*. Much of this is due to human error from overly manual processes. 

Labbit's customizable order portal protects against inaccuracies and omissions with validation and required fields that stop an order from completing until issues are corrected.

*Source: Julie A. Hammerling, A Review of Medical Errors in Laboratory Diagnostics 
and Where We Are Today, Laboratory Medicine, Volume 43, Issue 2, February 2012, 

Real-time progress tracking

Without having to contact the lab, clients can check on the status of their order and where it is in the testing process. 


Quick access to reports

Once orders have been completed, clients have self-serve access to downloadable reports. Automated email or in-app notifications keep them informed. 

Complete context

Because everything is handled by Labbit, every detail of a sample and its journey through the lab is captured in a single immutable record making investigations and audits simple and fast. 


Using a third-party RCM vendor?

No problem! Labbit easily integrates with these systems via its API to capture a patient's insurance eligibility and get payment pre-authorization.

Ready for a conversation?

Let's chat

Meet with a member of our team. We'll learn about your needs and build a personalized demo to show how Labbit can help.