Our Next-Generation LIMS


Designed to solve the challenges of the past so your lab can be prepared for the future.


Built based on the deep domain expertise acquired from hundreds of thousands of hours spent implementing and maintaining legacy LIMS for high-complexity, high-volume labs,
Labbit addresses the problems with these systems including:

Linear Structures

Need extensive custom coding to handle workflows with multiple decisions points and routes

Narrow Scope

Focused on one area of the lab and require investment in additional technologies which creates inefficiencies and data silos

Inability to Scale

Not designed to handle high-throughput laboratories or rapid increases in sample volumes 

Our Approach

To address these challenges, Labbit employs three key technologies:


Business process model and notation (BPMN) allows you visually map out your complex workflows like drawing on a whiteboard. 

Knowledge Graph

Flexible database technology that can support unique, highly interconnected, and evolving data models.

Cloud Deployment

Securely hosted on AWS, Labbit is easily accessed via internet and features data backups and scalability

Key Features


Off-the-shelf, Labbit includes pre-configured workflow modules for a range of common laboratory tasks which can be quickly tailored to specific requirements for fast implementation.



Labbit's inherent flexibility allows users to quickly and continuously adjust it in response to new insights, evolving business objectives, or changing regulatory requirements. 

All-In-One Functionality

Labbit can handle end-to-end laboratory processes beyond the traditional LIMS wet lab sample management use case including order management, inventory management, data management, and more for greater operational efficiency and more complete, accurate datasets.

It also easily integrates with systems and instruments to fit into your existing infrastructure. 



Labbit is designed to handle increasing sample volumes and can scale to meet the growing needs of any size laboratory as their requirements expand over time. This scalability ensures that the system remains effective and efficient, even as the lab's workload increases.

“We were looking for a single system that could meet the needs of both our research and our clinical laboratories. Most systems were either too rigid for the research setting or too loosely structured for the clinical setting. Labbit’s flexibility allows us to add as much or as little rigor to workflows as required. We can give researchers freedom to iterate while locking things down on the clinical side. All with one system.”

Read their story


Lauren Moon
Clinical Laboratory Manager, Eremid

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“That’s what stood out when evaluating Labbit. That this LIMS could finally achieve all of our needs within one solution. To be able to not only manage the workflow, but the operational side of things as well.”

Read their story


Tyler Cassens
Senior Product Manager, Helix




“Labbit is engineered with an all-inclusive approach, which enables IT, data science, and laboratory technical teams to experience unprecedented flexibility without compromising the simplicity, accessibility, and control essential for laboratory end-users. It empowered us to transcend the traditional trade-offs between advanced features the commercial side of the business wants and the user experience that our laboratorians require.”

Read the press release


Ronak Kadakia
COO, LinusBio

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Labbit is a complete LIMS solution that offers a diverse range of functionalities and benefits to laboratories. It empowers them to enhance and streamline their complex workflows, manage process variability effectively, meet regulatory requirements, and stay ahead of the ever-changing demands of the scientific and healthcare sectors.


Ready to learn more? Book a demo