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What Is Lab Automation & Why Should You Leverage It?

Written by Labbit | Sep 20, 2024 8:48:49 PM

One of the most transformative technological advancements for laboratories in the last decades is lab automation.

Automated systems increase efficiency while improving the quality of results, allowing a lab to enhance its capabilities, scale operations, and expand its customer base. 

Furthermore, integrating automated lab solutions with a robust LIMS like Labbit enables laboratories to maximize the benefits of automated technology.

What Is Lab Automation?

Lab automation is the use of automated equipment, instruments, and software to simplify and streamline scientific tasks with minimal manual involvement and human supervision. A laboratory automation system enhances efficiency, quality, and safety.

Automation also harnesses the full potential of lab staff.  With robotics programmed to handle repetitive tasks, scientists can concentrate on more complex, higher-value work, increasing throughput.

As Amber Rudd has stated: 

Automation is driving the decline of banal and repetitive tasks.
Amber Rudd, former Work & Pensions Secretary, UK

Laboratory Automation Case Studies

Laboratory automation optimizes operations on various levels.

For instance, by integrating an automated system, a clinical laboratory can carry out more tests while its scientists have more time to pay scientists have more time to focus on quality and interpretation of results.

Indeed, after an upgrade in the laboratory automation systems at a Swiss Hospital, its Deputy CEO, A. Huber, confirms: 

Actually, the quality was getting much better because we had more time to examine the samples and results more carefully.

Andreas Huber, Deputy CEO, Kantonsspital Aarau, Switzerland

One of Labbit’s highest throughput customers, Helix, noted that after using the LIMS to automate workflows:

From logging in to completing a workbook, every click matters when you are processing tens of thousands of samples within a given shift. Labbit simplifies everything for the operator allowing them to turn their focus where it belongs:  on their bench work. They interact with the instrument which communicates with Labbit, seamlessly progressing samples behind the scene. Tasks that previously took 20 minutes can now be completed in under 5.

Tyler Cassens, Senior Product Manager, Helix, San Mateo, California

In pharmaceutical R&D, a total laboratory automation (TLA) approach can significantly shorten the time from bench to bedside. Some industry experts claim that such time savings can reach up to 18 months while minimizing costs by approximately 25%.

Which Lab Processes Can Be Automated?

Automation can take over numerous tasks across laboratory workflows for conducting experiments, performing assays, and managing the operational side of things. For instance, using software, equipment, and instruments to:

  • Enforce strict SOPs and capture all necessary data before moving to the next task.
  • Automatically route samples to the next step in the workflow using decision criteria.
  • Access and track sample movement through the lab using labels and barcode scanners.
  • Automate prep, analysis, and QC tasks.
  • Handle infectious materials or hazardous reagents.
  • Take and record precise measurements.
  • Generate reports and certificates of analysis (COAs).
  • Track inventory levels, reagent expiration dates, and instrument calibration schedules and receive notifications when critical thresholds are reached.

Where To Start With Lab Automation?

Picking the most repetitive and strenuous jobs is the best place to start when setting up your automated laboratory.

First and foremost, the aim is to allow your staff to concentrate on areas where their expertise is essential.

Then, you can work your way up to cover all 4D’s of automation. In other words, tasks that are Dull, Dirty, Dangerous, or Dear.

Automated tasks in a lab can include:

  • Liquid Handling

    Liquid handling is a core automated function that handles liquid samples and reagents accurately, quickly, and efficiently. It helps reduce repetitive strain injuries, limit exposure to hazardous liquids, and minimize consumable waste.
  • Robotic Workstations

    Robotic workstations can perform various tedious and/or repetitive tasks typically handled by humans. They can also operate even when staff is off-duty.

  • Software & Data Integrations

    Intelligent LIMS integrate with LIS, ERPs, CRMs, and any system with a RESTful API, helping automate all aspects of a laboratory’s operations management.
    By passing information to and from various enterprise software systems, they combine diverse data to uncover new insights and fuel ongoing innovation. 
    As a next-generation LIMS, Labbit seamlessly integrates with essential laboratory technologies through its RESTful API, HL7 interface, and file ingestion capabilities - connecting seamlessly with any pre-defined or homegrown lab software and database system.
    Labbit’s inherent flexibility allows it to quickly adjust to new insights, business objectives, and changing regulatory requirements, helping labs of any size scale as requirements expand over time.
  • Automated Measurements

    Precise measurements using sensors or analyzers streamline lab processes and cover a broad range of parameters.
  • Plate Replication

    Automated plate replication features simple-to-program protocols that quickly produce identical plates to test various assay conditions. The protocols can be optimized as needed using easy-to-adjust options.

  • Imaging Systems and Analytics 

    Powerful, high-content imaging systems that aim to improve data quality.
  • Autosamplers

    Autosamplers select and insert samples into the instrument's inlets without manual intervention.

  • Sample Sorting and Documentation

    Automated sample sorting and standardized documentation help reduce errors, enhance lab productivity, and improve the quality of test results.
    Automated capabilities like these are indispensable for laboratories looking to increase their throughput in a range of industries, such as life science labs, food and beverage labs, manufacturing labs, and more.

Lab Automation For The Different Types Of Labs

Different types of labs can leverage lab automation technology and elevate their processes.

Clinical Lab Automation

Automated lab solutions can simultaneously prepare, label, and sort multiple samples and produce high-quality outcomes. This helps clinical labs meet market demand for reduced acquisition time and upgraded results.

Medical Lab Automation

Just like clinical labs, automation within medical labs elevates data management and diagnostic procedures. At the same time, it also complements research and testing for improved treatment development.

Chemistry Lab Automation

Automated chemistry leverages technologies like chemical synthesis, high-throughput drug screening, and immunoassays.

Among other benefits, automated chemical labs can run sensitive chemical reactions that could otherwise be affected by minor fluctuations in reaction conditions.

Microbiology Lab Automation

Automation in microbiology labs can effectively handle media preparation and additive combinations in bulk. Similarly, automated cell culture incubators are easily programmed to test a range of culture conditions while generating accurate records for rapid review.

Lab Automation In Genomics

Even though many genomics labs currently rely on benchtop automation, specialized staff is still required to perform certain tedious tasks manually, like pipetting and moving consumables. 

Lab automation empowers genomics labs to reach their full potential, minimizing manual touchpoints, errors, and contamination risks. Thus, they can handle dramatically more samples in less time.

R&D Lab Automation

Automation in research and development laboratories accommodates custom workflows, rapid test iterations, evolving processes, and emerging requirements.

The integration of robotics and AI facilitates highly complex automated tasks and effectively analyzes data flowing from various instruments, sensors, systems, research teams, and partners.

Quality Lab Automation

Quality lab automation takes various forms, whether through standalone automated analyzers or tracking systems connecting multiple systems.

Moreover, automated instruments such as robotic arms and scheduling software identify inefficiencies, accelerate sample processing times, and reduce backlogs - among other benefits.

Benefits of Lab Automation

Lab automation has numerous advantages for life science as well as food and beverage laboratories. To name a few:

  1. Fewer Errors

    Laboratory robotics and automation mitigate the risk of errors and inconsistencies at all process steps. In pipetting, for example, precise sample quantities and data recording provide consistent, error-free results.

  2. Increased Productivity

    Automated laboratory systems support standardization, repeatability, and reproducibility, freeing staff from repetitive tasks and protocols.

    As a result, more time and resources can be allocated to research, meetings, and other high-level priorities that positively impact productivity, innovation, and employee well-being.

    Incorporating a powerful LIMS solution like Labbit in your automated laboratory furthers production, as it simultaneously manages resources and workforce capacity.

    Labbit can flexibly track all workflow elements, such as reagents, consumables, instruments, and personnel - enabling automatic management of key resources to ensure smooth lab operations.

  3. Cost Efficiency

    Full lab automation needs a substantial investment. However, its high cost comes with a relatively short ROI period and significant long-term financial benefits. 

    A recent study showed that, after TLA adoption, major lab performance KPIs can improve considerably. Such KPIs include timeliness, predictability, and safety.

    Furthermore, reducing human error and increasing operational efficiency leads to savings on reagents, other consumables, and equipment maintenance, ultimately adding to a strong ROI over time.

  4. Space Efficiency

    Automation optimizes space use within a laboratory. It does away with compartmentalized manual benches, while workcells can be built in more compact spaces. 

    Overall, the need for less human involvement translates to less space allocation for staff.

  5. Improved Staff UtilizationOnce automated lab activities are programmed and initiated, lab staff can concentrate on higher-value activities — those that only humans can successfully complete.

    Indeed, scientists have more time to deal with challenges and problems. They can critically evaluate all data and convert it into information that, in turn, leads to strategic decisions about the lab’s next steps.

    Industry experts agree that among the most valuable assets automation offers to the lab staff is time to think.

  6. Enhanced Work SafetyAutomated systems are highly accurate and never tired, so the risk of errors and accidents is minimized.

    For example, robots can be programmed to handle highly infectious materials during vaccine development, which limits human exposure to dangerous pathogens.

    Plus, safety thresholds can be programmed to trigger alarms or halt tests and experiments, further increasing staff safety levels.

  7. Highly Configurable and/or Customizable

    Laboratory automation software typically comes with extended configuration and customization options that fully meet a lab’s unique needs.

    Solutions may include custom instruments and tailored program interfaces that integrate with existing LIMS or other custom hardware. 

  8. Data Integrity & Traceability

Laboratory automation systems standardize procedures and documentation. They log and store experimental parameters, sample information, and procedural steps, minimizing the risk of data inconsistencies or loss. 

Results are reproducible, auditable, and compliant with regulatory requirements for increased credibility and reliability. 

Furthermore, automation systems seamlessly integrate with LIMS, enabling efficient data transfer and analysis - so that scientific discovery and innovation accelerate.

As a top LIMS software, Labbit can be configured to automatically exchange information bidirectionally with any relevant system, integrating data from all sources to uncover new insights.

Lab Automation And Data Integration

Many automated labs today utilize LIMS to manage all kinds of data types associated with experiments, instrumentation, samples, laboratory workflows, and more.



How A Lab Automation System + LIMS Approach Enhances Operations

To fully take advantage of an automated lab solution, robotics and LIMS must work hand-in-hand, with information flowing both ways. LIMS can also control data transfer between robotics systems and other external processes.

Lab automation with LIMS integration offers significant advantages, such as:

  • Real-Time Monitoring And Remote Access
    Lab personnel can access data, monitor experiments and processes, and immediately handle any issues or deviations.
  • Detailed Audit Trails
    Integrating automated lab systems with LIMS provides detailed and precise audit trails that ensure compliance and improve efficiency.
  • Automated Instrument Management
    LIMS integration ensures that equipment is ready and available to use at all times.
    Labbit allows you to create instrument-tracking workflows to streamline maintenance and equipment scheduling.
  • Optimized Operations
    A LIMS provides fast access to information regarding testing, analysis, inventory, and reporting. It also integrates with laboratory instruments for automated data capture.
    Labbit’s inventory and instrument management modules help you address productivity blockers - such as stock outages and expired reagents. Plus, it enables you to deploy new technologies quickly and easily without disrupting existing processes.

Harness The Power of LIMS For Optimal Efficiency in Your Laboratories

Designed to manage end-to-end laboratory processes, Labbit is more than a traditional LIMS for sample management.

Labbit provides comprehensive and accurate datasets by handling key processes like order management, inventory management, data management, and more.

It integrates seamlessly with your systems to elevate your lab’s operational efficiency. To learn more about what’s possible with Labbit, book a demo today.